Monday, October 17, 2011

We need a resolution...

On Sunday, social networks and blogs alike were in an uproar over a video that leaked of a 14 year old girl performing oral sex on a peer in front of a school, as other students watched. The internet was set ablaze with overwhelming opinions and judgments. Some looked for a specific person to blame while others accepted the fact that this young lady isn’t the first nor will she be the last of her age group to experiment sexually.

Young children all across this country are partaking in sexual activities that “some” of us would have never thought of doing at that age. But times have most certainly changed. More and more children are exposed to a lot more than when I was a youth. We now live in a tech world. Although things are accessible with just a click, there is no filter. The gift and the curse of the world wide web.

But as I read the rants of people who have heard or even viewed the footage (I have not because the ages of the participants technically makes the video child pornography), I became witness to a lot of finger pointing. When situations like this occurs, people more often overlook resolutions because they are too busy looking for someone to blame.

It is more than easy to blame the parents of this young lady. Where are the parental units when things like this occur? As a parent, it is your job to guide your children morally. Teach them right from wrong. But lets face it, how many of us know right from wrong and still engage in the wrong? Although at that age we are still developing (mentally, physically )is it still the fault of the parent if we choose to go down the wrong path? Mistakes are apart of growing up. It’s how you learn. Right?

What this young lady did was extreme, but before we cast the first stone let’s not forget none of us are angels.  And if technology was as advanced when I was her age as it is now, I’m sure more than a few of you could very well be in this same situation.

To single that girl or her parents out for promiscuous activity isn’t fair. Yes, you can call her a hoe, but she is also a child. Many factors could be considered, but we weren’t given the full story,  we were provided with the result which is the video.

And what is to be said about the young man on the receiving end or the young men who recorded it? Do they get a pass because of gender while the young lady has to solely suffer the consequences of her decision?

I say all of that to say this, the issue at hand is bigger than the video itself. The issue, to me, is more or less guidance. Kids will be kids and the release of that tape isn’t going to hinder any child’s curiosity in the future. As opposed to judging what these children have done, look at this as a forum to discuss repercussion. That young lady could be related to any one of us. The shame that her and her family have to deal with because of a decision now is unfortunate. But maybe, the next young lady would think twice about her actions.

Bottom line, take care of the uninformed youth. They are growing up thinking that they are mature enough to know and deal with what they are doing and partake in things that they probably shouldn’t, as we all did at that age. The video isn’t going to stop kids from having sex, that’s a fact. I just hope that this incident could somehow show that everything isn’t made to be put on a public forum and that sometimes, although just a kid, things like this affect your future.

Just remember that the youth of today is our future of tomorrow.

But, I digress...

Editors Note: Anyone who not only watched, but distributed the links to the video on the internet are, in my opinion, sick individuals. At the end of the day, minors are involved and you are contributing to the release and viewership of Child Pornography. Seek help, sickos!