Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Ideal Winning...

Recently, media proclaimed "train wreck" Charlie Sheen has had a truck load of incidents that subsequently lead to court hearings, a pending divorce, rehab and his termination of his lead role in the CBS sitcom "two and a half men". With all that drama it may baffle some people as to why he is a self proclaimed "winner".

How can you have so many losses and still be considered a winner?

Here's how I see it, winning is simply a state of mind. I adore Charlie Sheen, not solely because of his entertaining antics and his memorable quotes, but because at the root of it all he is honest with his self. He doesn't make excuses for his faults and could care less about public opinion.

Now whether or not you have a positive or negative view of Mr. Sheen's faults, his honesty is commendable. Can you say the same about yourself?

So many people, especially celebrities, try to mask their faults or deflect them.
No one is without fault. No one! It's easy to have the "I have no one to fault, but everyone else" attitude when people point the finger at you and make you the bad guy. There is no way to maneuver around judgment. It's an inevitable part of life. Every story needs a villain. Standing tall to receive judgment, accepting it and then choosing not to give a fuck defines a true winner in my book.

What's the difference between a winner and a loser? A winner is aware of their faults and proceeds to live life in the best way for them without dwelling on other's opinions. A loser, on the other hand, invest so much in public opinion that they deny having any faults and live a pretend life masking their insecurities.

I am in no way condoning any of Charlie Sheen's alleged behavior. I am, however, commending him on being honest when asked to discuss his lifestyle.

Self realization is the 1st step to becoming a winner. Are you a winner?


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