Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stay Woke: Personalities, Politics, Propaganda and Poverty...

With the Presidential elections approaching, I am becoming more and more aware of how unaware my peers and my generation is about what is going on both socially and politically. We have developed into a "what have you done for me lately" generation. This selfishness that we have acquired will ultimately be our downfall. Impressed by the lyrics in songs that ultimately express "money over everything", we look to become great without looking to make our surroundings greater. I suppose it's okay because our President is black, right? Wrong.

Yes, as a country, electing a African American into the highest office is an accomplishment, but that's not where it ends. A lot of us know who our President is, but what about our senators, representatives or other state officials? Do we know those names? What about the current issues, not just general, but in our neighborhoods, do we know those? But enough with the preaching. This was not the intent of the blog, per say. The intent is to get my peers to see more than what's being shown and hear more than what's being told.

Earlier today, I stumbled across a recording of Steve Harvey's morning show, in which he expressed his views on how he felt about what Tavis Smiley and Cornel West is doing in reference to President Obama. Now, you may not know this, but i detest Steve Harvey. I feel like his "life advice" is completely unwarranted because of the lifestyle he lives. I also feel as though he uses the "black struggle" to his advantage by speaking in such a way where those who are easily influenced hang on to his every word.

In this recording, Harvey proceeds to dig into (in the comedic way that only he knows how) Tavis Smiley and Cornel West about the "poverty bus tour" that they are running. He even alludes to them having some sort of hidden agenda. Both Smiley and West have expressed that the purpose of the "poverty bus tour" is to shine a light on the fact that although our President is black, black people are still suffering. Harvey proceeds to call these two men Uncle Toms and loosely accuse them of propaganda against President Obama.

Regardless of whether or not Smiley and West have personal issues with President Obama, they are not wrong. The state of black people in this country is dwindling because the majority of black people in this country are unaware that this is happening. The middle class is close to becoming non- existent. To call these two men out for even trying to make a forum for some kind of explanation of a resolve for these issues from our President is wrong. Plain and simple.

I am fully aware that the poverty issue did not start January 20th, 2009, but I am also aware that since that date, there has been no significant change. By no means am I faulting President Obama, but just because he is our black President doesn't mean that this should go unanswered either.

What I gathered from that recording is that because we are black, we should stand behind President Obama regardless if there is a fraction of doubt because he is black. Although, Harvey expresses several times that this isn't a black issue, it's a country wide issue.

I commend President Obama. To try to revive faith in a country that has none in it's government, while still trying to appease both political parties takes a tremendous amount of mental strength.... But... I will not fault Tavis Smiley nor Cornel West for drawing attention to the fact that although President Obama has done, he has not done enough. This is the purpose of this time before the elections, to get conversations started. To weed out those who can do and those who can just merely talk about it.

For Steve Harvey to shun these two influential figures in Black America by name calling and accusations is the exact same propaganda he is placing on them. Let's be for real, Harvey wants to be the spokesperson for black America. He wants to dictate how households should be ran. Just look at the books he writes, or the topics he discusses on his radio shows. Hell, look at the manner in which he discusses them as if he is somehow "all knowing". So for two highly respected African Americans to disagree with him, I believe he considers them a threat.

The Bottom Line is (because i am just shy of a ramble), everyone comes equipped with the ability to form their own judgments. We have created this facade of our President as some sort of hero equipped with weapons of hope and change to slay the evil republicans. Because of that image we have left change up to him, soley. Instead of being sheep, be informed. That is the only possible way for real change to occur.

"Times are serious and economic despair is hitting millions of Americans far and wide. But Steve Harvey doesn't feel any of this economic pain because rich men have the luxury of playing politics." - Dr. Boyce Watkins

Stay Woke.

Read Dr. Boyce Watkins Opinions on the Steve Harvey Morning Show Recording:

Listen To the Steve Harvey Morning Show Recording:


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