Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: the spokesman for the black frame of mind... huh??

Well folks, he's back at it again! On Tuesday's "Rush Limbaugh Show", the right- winged radio talk show host weighed in on "the black frame of mind", which he insists is "terrible".

"Black unemployment is terrible. The black frame of mind is terrible. They are depressed. They're down, Obama's not doing anything for them. How's that hoax and change working for ya? They're livid. They thought there was going to be an exact 180 degree economic reversal, and it's done nothing but get bad for everybody, but they're especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them, and now they feel abandoned, and I'm sure Tiger Woods' choice of females not helping them out with their attitudes either".

Leave it to Rush Limbaugh to tie the issue of Tiger Woods' choice of white mistresses in with President Obama... Can we say grasping at straws?

Wow! I am not surprised that these statements are coming from a man like Rush Limbaugh. I am, however, surprised at the lengths that he would go to tarnish President Obama's name. As I sit here wondering, "when did Rush Limbaugh become the spokesman for the 'black frame of mind'", I cannot help but see some truth in what he is saying. I agree, the black state of mind is terrible, but not for any of the reasons that he has expressed. I believe that the black state of mind is terrible because a lot of us take no real interest in the state we are currently in. Thousands of African- Americans stood in line for hours awaiting the chance to vote for a change. We, as African- Americans, have created this image of Barack Obama and made him out to be some sort of a superhero who carries weapons of hope and change and destroys the evil republicans. Never once did it dawn on us that Barack Obama is not a superhero, he is human. Yes, he is the President of the United States, but we are the citizens. As citizens we have to be the hope and change we seek. As citizens, we have to assist our President in leading us to a better life. Voting was not the last stop on the train. So for all of those who have voted and then sat their asses right back on the couch instead of being front line in the fight for change, congratulations! You have succeeded in given Rush Limbaugh (and other's who think like him) all the ammunition needed to destroy our President's legacy and us as a people.

This is a call to all my fellow African Americans, there are issues in the world that stretch far beyond Nicki Minaj copying Lil' Kim or who Tila Tequila is starting a twitter beef with or getting the details of Jay- Z's exclusive birthday party. Those topics are entertaining, but while you are being entertained take a second to look around you. Are there people in your household who are without a job or without healthcare? Are there people in your household who are morbidly obese? Are there people in your household on their way overseas to assist in fighting a senseless war? Are there people in your household who couldn't afford to finish school or dropped out at a young age? Are there people in your household who have HIV/ AIDS? Are there people in your household whose sexuality won't legally allow them to get married? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, even if that person is you, that is all the more reason to get up and fight the good fight. The easiest solution is to blame the President, right? Isn't that what we did to Bush? But consider this notion, Bush didn't place himself in office (well, maybe the first time). And if you are sitting there reading this thinking, "I didn't put him there either", well that's the problem. Take a stand. If you don't make change happen, guess what, it won't!

And as far as Rush Limbaugh's outlandish connection of the "black frame of mind" and the current Tiger Woods fiasco, I believe what he was trying to insinuate is that their similarities are based on them both turning their backs on blacks. But it's still far fetched. Tiger is accused of being unfaithful. Infidelity is a common issue in all races. Men cheat. Women cheat. Famous people cheat. The bum on the corner chests. As a black woman, Tiger Woods choosing to have white mistresses does not bother me because Tiger never claims to be black anyway... not fully. So, if blacks are outraged, then Asians should be too. ;)

Click here to here full audio of Rush Limbaugh's talk show: http://HUFFPO.ST/cagm


Ashley Logan said...

You know that you are absolutely right. We put our focus on things we shouldn't. Things that have no connection to our lives or the people who are in them whatsoever. The bigger issues gets overlooked and the smallest issues gets the magnifying glass on them (like Tiger Woods). We are living in a senseless society and I am glad you are raising that awareness because I think a majority of the time, ignorance gets publicized way too often and it shouldn't be acceptable. Enjoyed reading!

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