Monday, September 14, 2009

When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong

Now im sure most of you saw the madness that is the MTV 2009 Video Music Awards. I was excited to watch it because I just knew the performances and the Micheal Jackson tribute would be the highlights of the show. Judging from the opening of the show,  it appeared as if it was going to be good. Madonna gave one of the most touching speeches about Micheal Jackson ive heard thus far. Janet Jackson's tribute to her brother made me shed a tear.  But what I did not expect was Kanye West's improptu speech during Taylor Swift's acceptence speech.

Now for those who did not watch, here is a brief run down. The first award to be given out was "best female video". The nominees were Beyoncé (single ladies/ put a ring on it), Katy perry (hot &cold), Lady GaGa (poker face), Pink (so what), Kelly Clarkson (my life would suck without you) and Taylor Swift (you belong with me). To my astonishnent, teen country music sensation Taylor Swift won the award. But appearantly I was not the only one confused. When Taylor went up on stage to accept her very first moonman (video music awrad) and give her acceptance speech, she was bombarded by Kanye West who took it upon himself to express his feelings. Kanye goes on to say, "Congratulations Taylor.  I'mma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time".  *blank stare* WHAT?

I must admit that I am a bit biased in this situation. I really dont know enough about Taylor Swift's music (and i admittedly have not seen one video) to know whether or not she deserved the award. What I do know is that Beyoncé's "single ladies (put a ring on it)" was one of the most imitated videos on youtube to date. But all of that is irrelevant at this point. From the moment Kanye said what he said he was labeled "an asshole". But is he really?

I feel some empathy for Taylor Swift because she appeared to be so excited to win her first Video Music Award, only to have her bubble bursted by Kanye West on national television. But in all honesty, I dont think Kanye's rant was directed toward Taylor, I believe it was directed toward MTV (Taylor just happened to be the one that won). For a few years in a row, a lot of the VMA winners have been very suspect. Those who I assumed would win, were dupped by artist who had better sales (or better PR reps). If you familiar with Mr. West then his actions would shock you, but if you are, it was Kanye just being Kanye. I believe "improptu" is his middle name.

Unfortunately for Kanye, him being himself may have caused some serious backlash. MTV put him and his date (the lovely Ms. Amber Rose) out and canceled his performance. The social network Twitter was up in arms over what he said even suggesting that his later apology was fake. (It baffles me that people judge apologies).  Some believe that what Kanye did was bad for black people (ummm... okay). Some also believe that what Kanye West did was the equivalent to Senator Wilson calling President Obama a "liar" during the National Press Conference (whoa. that's a stretch). It also didnt help matters that President Obama later called him an "asshole". I believe a lot of people are really upset with Kanye because of his timing, not so much over what he did.

Now here is my question to you: Is it okay to express your feelings whenever and wherever you feel them? Is there a time and place for everything?

My personality doesn't allow me to accept what I believe in my heart is wrong. I pride myself on being able to call out bulshit and their keepers when and where ever I see them appear. I do not disagree with what Kanye said at all because he expressed exactly what I was thinking at that same moment, however I do disagree with the way he choose to express his feelings.

Just another example of "when keeping it real goes wrong".

(By the way: Kudos to Beyoncé for making a bad situation better and allowing Taylor Swift her time to shine. You're a class act Bey!) <---- click this link to see the full spectacle.
*picture provided by:


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